Why is change so hard?

You don’t have to look very far to see the pressure for change all around us.
Without change we would still be living in caves, dragging our knuckles and fighting off saber tooth tigers.
Let me give you an example
Let’s say you are terrified of speaking in public. I’m talking TERRIFIED - puke worthy, sweaty palms, pee your pants kind of fear. Your brain reads this as danger on par with being chased by that saber tooth tiger, and so it tells you to RUN!
Your brain literally does not know between the two scenarios, creating a reaction in your body that tells you “this is not safe”. To reinforce the message of “this is not safe”, your body throws in the feeling of wanting to vomit all over your new shoes, along with sweaty hands and feeling like your heart is going to explode out of your chest.
Mission accomplished: you are now thoroughly convinced that speaking in public is DANGEROUS!
From a survival perspective it makes total sense that you would avoid this activity, the same as you would avoid pissing off a saber tooth tiger.
So naturally, when you try to reason with yourself and say “no, I am not in danger, I can speak in public”, your brain and your body screams “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

What thought patterns do you have that you assumed were "hard wired" but that you could change?
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